Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Princess Ariel

Hi I am still here! I had just spent a wonderful week on the west coast with lots of good friends, great food and celebrated with lots of wine. It was maybe a bit too much fun which took me another week after to sync myself back to reality. Boo, that wasn't fun at all.

To lift my spirits, I have decided to tackle something that I have been wanted to try for quite a while - practicing fondant and make a doll cake.  I have learned and practiced fondant techniques on a few dummy cakes, and I wanted to try it on a real cake to get a feel of it.

And this is what it looked like.

"What did you mean I forgot to take pictures of the cake?" That was my reply to C when he downloaded the pictures and said he couldn't see pictures of the cake. But you are looking at the cake, hon!

The dress of Princess Ariel was made of a soft and dense dark chocolate cake, 5 layers in total, with vanilla buttercream and strawberry jam. It was then covered with marshmallow fondant. I also made the bodice with the same fondant too. You can find the recipe of the marshmallow fondant here.

This is my first time working with marshmallow fondant. I want to test with the basic recipe and therefore decided not to add colour to it. Now that I have worked with the consistency, next time around I can try adding colour and texture to take it to another level. Well next time!

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